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Bangor Forest Garden
A 1/4 hectare demonstration forest garden at the University of Wales, Bangor's research farm. The website has extensive information on temperate and tropical agroforestry togeter with extensive litrature review.
Country UK (Wales)
Sections :Woodland GardeningAgroforestryCity Farms/Community GardensVolunteeringLitrature review

Oakenwood Society
'Herbs for healing, for food and for pleasure’ – Relaxed 2-day weekend courses run throughout the summer. The courses are held in a rural setting on a working farm in south east Wales, approximately halfway between Bristol and Cardiff. For dates, further information and booking: www.oakenwoods.co.uk Oakenwood’s current project is to help buy woodland to conserve and protect, or land to create woodland with native British trees.
Country UK (Wales)
Sections :Herbs and Medicinal PlantsTraditional Plant UsesTrees and WoodlandsNon Food Cropsnative plantsWildcraftHealth IssuesSpiritualRaw FoodFood IssuesLocal FoodRun CoursesTrainingNon Profit Groups

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.